5 of the Most Effective Tips for Improving Your Vocal Tonality

Some guys are born with a naturally powerful voice that turns women on.

Most guys aren't as fortunate.

Some guys have naturally picked up good habits from their peers, friends, and families. Most guys don't put in this kind of effort, but they should.

Even professionals like sportscasters have spent hundreds of hours working on their own and with coaches to sound more confident.

1. Open your mouth wider

Do you mumble? Open your mouth wider.Do you speak too quickly? Open your mouth wider.

Do you speak too softly? Open your mouth wider.This could go on and on, and there's a good reason for this piece of advice: a huge amount of vocal tonality issues disappear when you simply open your mouth wider.

It's one of the first tips singers learn, and it's as close to a magic pill as you can get when you're working on your voice.

2. Breathe from your diaphragm

Even though it’s the only skill we’ve been using since birth, most people actually breathe incorrectly. Take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale.Did you shoulders rise and fall? If they did, that means you’re breathing wrong. Correct breathing happens from the diaphragm, not the chest. When you breathe, the only thing that should be moving is your stomach because that means you’re properly breathing from your diaphragm.

When you breathe properly, you speak with more power and conviction, and come across as more seductive without even thinking about it.

3. Stop ending your sentences with an upward inflection

Don't do this (unless you're a Kardashian)

4. Record yourself

Most guys never do this because it's awkward, uncomfortable, and even downright painful to hear their own voices. But this is another situation where just taking the simplest step will already put you ahead of most steps. Do something that's uncomfortable and listen to your own speech.

Read a paragraph out loud while recording it on your iPhone. Once you get over the discomfort of hearing your own voice, the insights you'll gain from listening critically will lead to rapid improvements in your voice.

5. Learn to relax your larynx

Guys with weak or feminine sounding voices often carry too much tension in their larynx (the muscle that we think of as the Adam's Apple). Diaphragmatic breathing can help significantly, but it's even more important to do exercises that specifically target the larynx. Search Youtube for tutorials, and practice these at least once a day.

You'll be shocked at how quickly your voice improves.Most of the social skills you need to learn to improve your life are difficult. Vocal tonality is an exception.

It just takes 10 minutes a day of following these simple tips to experience real results.

What to do next:

Reading this blog is a good first step to understanding female psychology, but most guys get caught in analysis paralysis mode by actually studying too much online content. It’s way more effective to study content that is custom tailored to your specific sticking points than reading random articles and watching self help videos. Men fall into three distinct buckets on their journey to attraction mastery.

Bucket 1 - Attraction Aspirant: You don’t consistently generate attraction. You might find yourself in a pattern where dates are rare, and when they do happen, they seldom lead to deeper connections or second dates. You’re conscious about your spending, wary of being perceived wrongly, and perhaps your style doesn’t quite express who you truly are. 

Bucket 2 - Chase Changer: You generate attraction but you find yourself chasing the women you really want instead of getting them to chase you. You are uncertainty in making bold moves. While you're attractive and successful, translating that into dating confidence, especially with high-value women, remains a challenge. Self-sabotage and hesitancy can often be the barrier between you and the dating success you seek.

Bucket 3 - Selective Strategist: You find dating and initiating connections relatively easy, but the challenge lies in attracting those who truly excite and inspire you. It's about understanding the subtle dynamics of high-value dating and leveraging your strengths to create not just any connection but the right one.

To see which bucket you fail into and to get a tailored action plan to improve, answer these 10 quick questions.

Robbie Kramer

Robbie Kramer isn't just a coach; he's a testament to the modern masculine journey. Having lived an exhilarating single life filled with adventures and lessons, Robbie has also achieved what many aspire to – finding an amazing, feminine, and loving wife.

His experiences provide a rare balance of wild freedom and committed love, equipping him with the insights to help you navigate the complexities of dating and relationships in today's world. With Robbie's guidance, you'll learn to embrace your desires, improve your social prowess, and ultimately attract the partner who aligns with your highest aspirations.


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